* communicate
1. trans. To give to another as a partaker; to give a share of; to impart, confer, transmit (something intangible or abstract, as light, heat, motion, a quality, feeling, etc.). Const. to. (from OED)

1.1 If you communicate information, a feeling, or an idea to someone, you let them know about it. (from Collins COBUILD)

2. spec. a. To impart (information, knowledge, or the like); to impart or convey the knowledge of, inform a person of, tell. Const. to, formerly with (the person informed); or absol. (from OED)

2.1 If you communicate with someone, you share or exchange information with them, for example by speaking, writing, or using equipment. You can also say that two people communicate. (from Collins COBUILD)

* communication
1. The action of communicating or imparting. Now rare of things material, exc. as the vehicles of information: e.g. of a letter, a paper to a society, an article to a magazine, etc. (from OED)

2. spec. The imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas, knowledge, information, etc. (whether by speech, writing, or signs). Hence (often pl.), the science or process of conveying information, esp. by means of electronic or mechanical techniques. Freq. attrib. (see sense 12). (from OED)

2.1 Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves. (from Collins COBUILD)

* interact
1. intr. To act reciprocally, to act on each other. (from OED)

1.1 When people interact with each other or interact, they communicate as they work or spend time together. (from Collins COBUILD)

* interaction
Reciprocal action; action or influence of persons or things on each other. spec. in Physics, referring to the action between atomic and subatomic particles. Also attrib. (from OED)

* presentation
The action of offering something for acceptance, esp. formally or ceremoniously; handing over, delivery; bestowal, giving. Also: an instance of this. (from OED)

Presentation is the appearance of something, which someone has worked to create. (from Collins COBUILD)

1. Oxford English Dictionary; Combined abbreviations list
2. Collins COBUILD
3. the meaning of "interaction" has a wider use than "communication" [thanks Daniel Nehring's clarification]

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